Quia Edizioni

Giovanni Mangia

Painter – Pittore (Italy)

Member of Quia International Guild of Artists

Bibliografia – Reference: Stracci P., Stracci M. “A Year of Art – Trends in Contemporary Art 2022”, pp. 173-180, Bozen: Quia Edizioni

Keywords: Acrilich and Oil Painting – Symbolism – Abstractionism – Collage painting

The Artist

Born in the province of Lecce, Italy, he developed a passion for pictorial arts as an adolescent. After completing his artistic secondary education, he moved to Florence where he graduates in Architecture in 1975. In the Tuscan city he trained with the painter Pietro Annigoni in Borgo degli Albizzi. Since the 1970s, he has participated in prestigious events, awards and art reviews at both national and international level. His art has been exhibited in notable solo and group exhibitions both in Europe and in America. Moving from the calm Lecce countryside to the fervor of the Florentine student movements has had a strong impact on the personality of the author. Such impact has clearly informed his art: from figurative and realistic academic painting, to material abstractionism for a freedom of expression that consecrates him within the scene of contemporary Italian art. Mangia’s art is an interior search for “beauty”, pure emotion of the unconscious freed from superstructures. Many of his works are in public and private collections.


Nato in provincia di Lecce, la passione per le arti pittoriche si manifesta sin dall’adolescenza. Conseguita la maturità artistica, si trasferisce a Firenze dove si laurea in Architettura nel 1975. Nella città toscana si forma presso lo studio del pittore Pietro Annigoni in Borgo degli Albizzi. Dagli anni ’70 partecipa prestigiosi eventi, premi e rassegne d’arte sia di livello nazionale che internazionale. Una serie di successi lo vedono esporre in mostre personali e collettive di grande risonanza sia in Europa che in America. Il passaggio dalla campagna leccese al fervore dei movimenti studenteschi fiorentini avrà un forte impatto sulla personalità dell’autore, che passerà nelle sue produzioni: dall’aspetto figurativo e realistico tipico della pittura accademica, all’astrattismo materico per una libertà di espressione che lo consacra nel panorama dell’arte italiana contemporanea. L’arte di Mangia è una ricerca interiore del “bello”, pura emozione di un inconscio scevro da sovrastrutture. Molte sue opere sono in collezioni pubbliche e private.

Selected artworks

Opere selezionate

Riflessi (2019) Acrylic on canvas with screen printed fabrics collage, 60 x 60 cm, €2800-3000
Riflessi (2019) Acrylic on canvas with screen printed fabrics collage, 60 x 60 cm, €2800-3000
Virulenza (2020) Acrylic on canvas with screen printed fabrics collage, 60 x 60 cm, €2800-3000
Virulenza (2020) Acrylic on canvas with screen printed fabrics collage, 60 x 60 cm, €2800-3000
Arroganza (2016) Acrylic on canvas with screen printed fabrics collage, 80 x 80 cm, €3500-3800
Arroganza (2016) Acrylic on canvas with screen printed fabrics collage, 80 x 80 cm, €3500-3800
Riflessi 2 (2019) Acrylic on canvas with screen printed fabrics collage, 60 x 60 cm, €2800-3000
Riflessi 2 (2019) Acrylic on canvas with screen printed fabrics collage, 60 x 60 cm, €2800-3000

Artist's contacts

Contatti dell'Artista

Email: arch.g.mangia@tiscali.it

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Un Anno d'Arte - A Year of Art

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