Quia Edizioni

Tendai Makufa

Pittore – Painter (Zimbabwe)

Member of Quia International Guild of Artists

Bibliografia – Reference: Stracci P., Stracci M. “A Year of Art – Trends in Contemporary Art 2022”, pp. 101-105, Bozen: Quia Edizioni

Keywords: Acrylic painting – Genre painting

The Artist

Tendai Makufa, born in Zimbabwe, studied in Harare, where he started practicing arts as child. As a young man, he visited the National Gallery of Zimbabwe. This experience was extremely enlightening for him. As a result he decided to attend the B.A.T Visual Arts Studios (now, National Gallery of Zimbabwe School of Visual Arts and Design) from which he majored in Painting. His artistic message generates from the certainty that all we get comes from earth, and efforts are always rewarded. Artists are close to God, and are called to contributing to creation. Makufa’s art mainly depicts scenes from rural life taken from his country and memories, arranged in colorful and vibrant compositions. His works have received many international awards, and have been displayed worldwide.


Tendai Makufa, nato in Zimbabwe, ha studiato ad Harare, dove inizia a praticare le arti da bambino. In gioventù visita la Galleria Nazionale dello Zimbabwe. Questa esperienza si rivela illuminante. Decide di studiare presso i B.A.T Visual Arts Studios (ora, National Gallery of Zimbabwe School of Visual Arts and Design) dove si laurea in Pittura. Il suo messaggio artistico nasce dalla certezza che tutto ciò che riceviamo arriva dalla terra, e che ogni sforzo è sempre premiato: gli artisti sono vicini a Dio e sono chiamato a contribuire alla creazione. L’arte di Makufa ritrae principalmente scene tratte di vita rurale tratte dal suo paese e dai suoi ricordi, composte sulla tela in modi coloratissimi e vibranti. I suoi lavori hanno ricevuto diversi riconoscimenti internazionali e sono state esposte in tutto il mondo.

Selected artworks

Opere selezionate

What a Day (2019), acrylic on canvas, 126 x 120 cm
Save Africa & World (2021), acrylic on canvas, 126 x 120 cm
Save Africa & World (2021), acrylic on canvas, 126 x 120 cm
Free and Fair Elections (2021), acrylic on canvas, 126 x 120 cm
Free and Fair Elections (2021), acrylic on canvas, 126 x 120 cm

Artist's contacts

Contatti dell'Artista

Email: tendaimakufa@gmail.com

Interested in the artist’s works? Contact us!

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Un Anno d'Arte - A Year of Art

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